Overview of nursing job opportunities:
Professional Connections recruits nurses to "perm and locum" nursing vacancies in Saudi Arabia and for perm nursing vacancies in The United Kingdom and Australia.
Saudi Arabia
At least two years post graduate experience is essential. To be eligible to license as a nurse in The Middle East, most of the licensing/ registration authorities want to hire people that have been working full time in a clinical post for the past two years. Your basic nurse education needs to be not less than three years duration. You will generally be placed in the same ward speciality that you are currently working in. Contracts for nurses are typically single unaccompanied status. You need to hold an executive nursing role for the hospital to offer you a married/ accompanied status contract.
Contract highlights:
One year renewable contracts, free return flight, 45- 61 days paid leave dependent on the hospitals you are selected for. Free accommodation and utilities or a accommodation allowance to live out, free healthcare. Overtime available offering you a chance to significantly increase your tax-free income. Salary is calculated as follows. Basic salary + specialty premium + increments for years of experience and postgraduate qualifications and other joining incentive bonuses.
United Kingdom
Professional Connections recruits for NHS Trusts. There are nursing vacancies throughout the UK. NHS Trusts welcome new graduate and experienced nurses from the EU and nurses with at least 12 months post graduate experience if based outside the EU.
Contract highlights:
Permanent contracts to EU nurses and contract validity are the terms of your visa if you are a non-EU passport holder. Trusts offer generous relocation packages. Typically, NHS Trust provides a benefits package reimbursing the NMC English language assessment exam and NMC exam fees. Pay your medical and visa processing costs. £1000 or two months of free accommodation and assist you in securing a permanent place to stay. Pay your flight to the UK to take up employment.
Professional Connections hires international nurses, mental health nurse and midwives for many of the Sydney Public Hospitals as well as for Private Hospitals in most States. We assist you with all aspects of recruitment and onboarding. To be eligible for Permanent Residency PR 186 sponsorship you need to have at least 36 months full time post-graduate experience. For the temporary TSS 482 sponsorship you will need to have 24 months of post graduate experience. In addition, to be eligible to gain nursing registration with the Australia nurse registration board (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - APHRA) you most likely need to have obtained your Degree in Nursing in Canada, Hong Kong, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom or The United States of America.
Contract highlights:
PR 186 and TSS 482 Sponsorship. Generous relocation packages. High Salaries.
Contact us
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse Operating Room- SID 482 or PR 186 Sponsorship
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse Neuro/Stroke SID 482 or PR 186 Sponsorship
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse Spinal (Acute and Rehab) SID 482 or PR 186 Sponsorship
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse Neurosurgery SID 482 or PR 186 Sponsorship
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse Emergency SID 482 or PR 186 Sponsorship
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse Psychiatric Emergency Care Centre. Incentives offered.
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse -Community Mental Health. Incentives offered.
- AUSTRALIA Registered Midwife Labour Ward- Incentives Offered
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse Mental Health Inpatient Unit, PECC, OPMHU and Community. Incentives offered.
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse, Inpatient Mental Health Unit - Incentives offered
- AUSTRALIA Mental Health Nurses_ Various Roles- Incentives offered
- AUSTRALIA Registered Midwife - Antenatal/Postnatal, Birth Unit- Incentives Offered
- AUSTRALIA Registered Midwife- Post natal- Incentives Offered
- AUSTRALIA Registered Nurse, Mental Health Intensive Care Unit (MHICU): Incentives offered
- SAUDI ARABIA Virtual Hiring Event for EU Nurses- Nursing Jobs at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh Branc
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - General Medical
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Emergency Department
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day job_Registered Nurse - Home Health Care (HHC)
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day Nursing job _Registered Nurse - Neurosurg/Neuromed
- SAUDI ARABIA Clinical Resource Nurse /Education- Paediatrics
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse for a Private Case in Riyadh 6 month assignment.
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Paediatric Medical Unit
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - VIP Medical/Surgical
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day contract_Registered Nurse - Adult Emergency
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Hemodialysis
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Medical Imaging Department
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Transplant OR
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day contract_Registered Nurse - Cardiovascular Telemetry Unit (CVT)
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day contract_Registered Nurse - Cardiac Surgery ICU (CSICU)
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Adult Emergency
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day contract_Registered Nurse - Orthopedics/Plastic Surgery
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day contract_Registered Nurse - Medical Intensive Care Unit
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day contract_Registered Nurse - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- SAUDI ARABIA Locum 90-day contract_Registered Nurse - Paediatric Hematology and oncology (CWB)
- SAUDI ARABIA Associate Executive Director - Women's Services
- SAUDI ARABIA Nurse Manager - Paediatric Medical Surgical
- SAUDI ARABIA Nurse Manager - Paediatric Unit
- SAUDI ARABIA LOCUM Registered Nurse - Surgical Unit
- SAUDI ARABIA LOCUM Registered Nurse - Operating Room
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Paediatric Medical Surgical (7E)
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - General Paediatric (Ward 52)
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Paediatric Medical Surgical (Neuro Med & Surg Ped)
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Paediatric Medical Surgical (Nephro & Med Ped)
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU 9)
- SAUDI ARABIA Nurse Coordinator - Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU 9)
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Operating Rooms
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Gynae/Oncology
- SAUDI ARABIA Registered Nurse - Antenatal